i decided it was time for another blog post; maybe someone out there is actually reading this, but even if not it's fun to write for the sake of writing all those those things that are running through my head.
i got back to Biola sunday afternoon. it was bliss! i was so happy to sleep in my own bed again and be surrounded by all my own mess; yes, mess. it all looked ok until i plopped all the stuff from break on the floor, though i suppose that can be helped by simply putting that stuff away.
monday: day 1 of my first 20 hour work week. i know, 20 hours is pathetic compared to 40 hours. there's a reason why it's called PART-time rather than full time work. my supervisor said i could take up to 40 hours a week this january, but i didn't want to ONLY work, i wanted to have some space to do other stuff.
after work i got hot chocolate in the mail from mom and ran into josh canty at the mailboxes. that guy is fun to run into; always a smile.
then danielle calbeck came up and joined our conversation... and then this other girl came over that i didn't know; random -- 4 art majors. all at biola during january for different reasons.
i also got another paycheck at work... so when i got back to my room i turned on music and danced for awhile. good day. :)
tuesday: the charm of interterm is already starting to wear off; it's weird only having to be someplace for four hours of my day. i'm bored. i need people. i went to work today and then watched gilmore girls and had some bulgolgi my roommate made me for dinner; i love korean food. :)
if you're reading this and around, stop by!... or hit me up online.
i want people!
over all though, i guess it's not that bad; i just need to find ways to fill my days with excitement.
on another note, the song "laughing with" by regina spektor has been constantly playing in my head.
i actually really like it for some reason.