Tuesday, November 13, 2012

a river must run its course

I feel like I always have the urge to run away from wherever I am, never quite satisfied.  It's the vagabond quality that I feel is ingrained in my soul.  Maybe there's more to it than that, but I haven't discovered it yet.  Maybe my vagabond soul is evidence of being called to something that I haven't discovered yet.  I'm forever reaching and never quite satisfied.  I keep thinking about all these wonderful things I could pursue, things more wonderful than standing for eight hours in a day greeting people and helping them with their purchases.  Of all the jobs I could do, retail isn't that bad.  In fact, I mostly like it.  However I can't help but think that I was made for something more than this, that I haven't found it yet, that I haven't arrived... that perhaps it's an ok in-between place to be, perhaps a temporary calling? but I haven't reached what I am really meant to be doing, what I was made to be doing.  I have toyed with getting another degree, but in business, so that I can someday open my own tea shop, sell art, and grow community.  However, a degree in business doesn't draw me much right now.  I have also considered a degree in education, or at least a teaching credential, but that also seems dry, like a bunch of hoops to jump through to do something I enjoy that may be tainted by the politics of a school environment.  ...Or I could go back to school for an MFA in... what?  painting?  drawing?  ceramics?  realistic or abstract?  I'm not sure that's the perfect path either.  If only I could be paid to create whatever I wanted to create... or if I could just make art and not worry about having to pay off school or having to have a roof over my head or clothes or food.  I'm not so much worried about the every day necessities, but knowing I have loan payments coming due soon is scary.  Out of all the paths ahead of me on this dimly lit road of feeling the necessity of further education, I feel like I am stumbling most in the direction of a degree in art therapy.  It seems like it would be a nice mix of creativity and intellectual pursuit... of making art, writing papers, and helping people.  To do that, I need to move.  Any preferences for a new state for me to exist in?  Texas, in all its glory, does not have any art therapy masters programs.  California costs too much.  I'm leaning towards Emporia State University in Kansas... but I want to take more time to think before I apply.  I could also do a ceramics residency.  I could also do so many things.  When it seems like few opportunities lay ahead, it merely means that I haven't really looked.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


A cousin of mine posted a status on facebook that confused me: "I feel like 22".  It was confusing because I am 22, but she is younger than me, so why would she feel like 22?  Apparently she was quoting Taylor Swift song lyrics.  I didn't remember that Taylor Swift was my age.  22 is a weird age.  At 18 you can buy spray paint -- and other things, but I got the ID for the art projects.  At 21 you can have a drink.  22... seems old if you're a teenager, but now that I'm that age, leaning closer and closer to 23, I realize that 22 is still just young, and I frequently feel young, naive, still a child.  I don't know what I could do that would make me "feel my age" but I have a feeling that most choices people make that may do that for them are decisions filled with regret.  22 for me is a year of being partially in the real world and realizing that I don't like it.  There are good moments, but I always secretly long for that place of contentment and bliss that I often equate with living in a cabin in the woods -- maybe with a potter's wheel, some clay, and a kiln.  School burnt me out, and retail is tough.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do that will really be the right choice for me.  I feel forever at a crossroads.