Saturday, January 19, 2013

cowgirl wishings

When I was younger, I had a grand dream that I would buy property someday on the Yakima River (where my Grandma lived) in Washington State.  There I would own horses and start my own teddy bear factory business.  I was thinking again about the dream of horses.  I don't know now if I would really want to own and take care of my own horses unless that could somehow be my income-providing job rather than some side thing to do at the end of every long work day.  I typed into google: "mommy i want to be a cowgirl when i grow up" and came across a blog post which I link Here.  I related a lot to her sentiments of using horse-riding as a means of escape -- the idea of being able to just pack some saddle bags and ride away really resonated with me.  Still, I do think I would enjoy living and working on a ranch; wearing my hair in braids and having a reason to own a plethora of plaid shirts and to buy a good pair of cowgirl boots.  There's something about the stillness and beauty of nature and being in a place where, even with all the hard labor, one would be able to soak in its majesty.

Monday, January 7, 2013

"Benefits" of Having a Common Name

Well, anonymity.  You have to know more about me than my name to find me online.

There have been songs (or at least one) written about me...

Jennifer Johnson and Me
by Shel Silverstein

Deep in the pocket of a lost sport coat jacket,
I chanced to discover an old memory,
Three for a quarter, a black and white protrait,
Taken of Jennifer Johnson and me.

I'm in the corner with my collar open
Like some Latin lover on late night TV.
Sittin' right here with her head on my shoulder,
Jennifer Johnson, she's smiling at me.

It must have been summer, Nineteen Sixty Seven,
The Beatles were singin' that love's all you need.
I held her hand as we walked through the arcade,
Two young believers on a two dollar spree.

Three for a quarter, a black and white portrait.
Jen closed the curtain so no one could see.
Hey, kiss me quick, 'cause the red light is flashin'
Flashin' on Jennifer Johnson and me.

Waiting for that late night train back to Homewood,
I felt her warmth in the cool evenin' breeze,
Told her I'd probably love her forever,
Forever for Jennifer Johnson and me.

Three for a quarter, a black and white portrait,
Two young believers on a three dollar spree.
I saved the picture in my sportcoat pocket.
Jennifer Johnson, did you save one of me?

Three for a quarter, a black and white portrait,
Jen, close the curtain, so no one can see.
I saved the picture in my sportcoat pocket,
Jennifer Johnson, did you save one of me?

Also I found a book with my name in the title... "Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Single"... which many days is true.  I recently discovered that the author, Heather McElhatton, has written a sequel to this titled "Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Married."  I do hope someday to be married, but I certainly hope that I don't get sick of it... or if I do, that such could be worked out.
Some visual delights: