Thursday, May 15, 2008


days blend into days
life morphs from event after event
to a long un-ending one thing-ness.
do i sleep or am i awake?
the blur of days continues
and it's all just going by too quickly....
morphing too soon into what will be tomorrow...
into what will be life in its next act.
i live a play... done in many acts, and this one that has come to be so familiar to me is quickly coming to an end... there will be a short intermission of the summer months as i prepare to be the girl growing up, the girl coming out of childhood and into being an adult. but even through that intermission i can't really have a break from life... just time to transition, and hopefully to think... a lot. so much is changing so quickly.

Friday, May 9, 2008


what do you do when
you feel the world will end tomorrow
what will you say to those you love?
He never said it would be easy
but he called us to tell them
of what we look forward to

and why
and why
is a smile on my face
why do i look to the end of time
and why
and why
can i be so optimistic
if i like all am doomed to die

He sent His son to take away my pain and fear
He sent His son to give me life to live
He sent His son I don't worry 'bout tomorrow
Because that day when it comes
He'll lead me home

The message seems so simple
Too easy almost
Just accept his love, live in his light
Shine for all mankind to see

But why
But why
Does it seem so hard then
To take our hope and share it all around
But why
But why
Do we seem so silent
Watch out the rocks will start shouting from the ground

Kiss the ground
Jump for joy
Let them know that there is something
Kiss the ground
Jump for joy
Tell them He's real
Tell them life can be so real so free.


rain keeps falling
like the problems in this life
i find i'm filling up with its flow
and again
and again
i'm being trapped in this corner of this place
and again
and again
i'm still accosted by your face

it's not like there ain't moments of joy
it's not like sorrows are forever
but i feel like it's a roller coaster
of ups and downs

again again
going up again
then down again
to the place where darkness reigns
again again
going up again
let me stay at this high
for more than now
maybe a lifetime!

ups downs
again again
downs ups
again again
again again

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Take me away

take me away from it all
set me free
this life ain't meant to be easy
but not so hard that we fall
down so deep

be my hero tonight
be the one who makes it right
be a constant hug a friend
i will make amends
for what i've done
just be the one

take my hand hold it tight
be the one who makes it right
dance with me hold me close
i will take a dose
of who you are
playing this guitar

maybe you're just a dream
a figure of my imagination
or maybe you're just
the perfect one for me
true reality
just haven't found you yet
but i'll find you wanna bet
in more than just my dreams
you're real
i feel it now.

take me away from it all
take me away from it all
say that i am yours and you are mine.
you are mine
truly mine.


do you ever go outside and just stare at the rain falling? i did today. it was nearly magical. i love the rain. it comes and it washes everything clean. it's like a whole new world.
then existence knocks again and i poof back into reality. exams. life. the universe. everything. when will life become... more? sometimes it seems so monotonous... a monotonous conglomeration of this that and everything, piled together like timber, ready to be set on fire. then the fire comes and you scream with agony, "why me? why all this stress? why do i have so much to do in so little time?" yet its the little things in life that matter most sometimes. tell someone you love them. give a friend a hug. write a little note. go dancing! and take me along, so i can learn how. this life isn't meant to be full of constant deprivation of joy. find fulfillment, fill yourself. fill yourself with the only thing that can truly fill you, and care about what really matters. that's what i tell myself, but i don't always listen, even though i should. thus i am stuck with a monotonous conglomeration of sticks being kindled into flame and destroying my mind as i speak. it's brilliant, absolutely brilliant. i guess when the fire is at its hottest and most torturous point that i need rain most. to take me away from it all, to put out the flame of frustration.