Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Waiting on You? Or trying...

God, help me to wait on you -- 
I know you will carry me through,
Though waiting is sometimes so hard to do.

It was so good to talk to one of my best friends tonight and just clear my head a little, even if all we talked about was life, you know, catching up a little.  I wanted to talk to him about this person who has infiltrated my heart, but it wasn't a lengthy conversation and I wasn't sure what to say.

What do you do when you like someone but you're not ready to risk it and come right out and say it?  If you want them to maybe come to the same place of "I like you" that you're at, but you don't know if they're there or on the same path to there... and you so desperately want to have a conversation about it, but at the same time, you don't want to assume that they do actually feel the same way you do?  I keep bringing it to God and telling him my heart and that I don't want my heart caught up on someone who won't work out and to take away my feelings if they're silly... then I shift my focus to other things and keep busy for awhile, but the person pops right back into my head again.  It can be enough to drive me mad, and sometimes I like having someone on my mind, but then I remember that for all I know, it's one-sided affection, and that's something I'm not interested in entertaining.

Also, I'm a bit fuzzy on whether it's actually a good idea for me to put myself out there and tell someone who I like that I like them... maybe just because it's a risk and I'm not keen on risk taking.

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